MRV is one of the 67 companies included in the list of 'approved and recognized' to receive the Pró-Ética 2020/2021 seal - an initiative carried out more than a decade ago by the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), in partnership with the Ethos Institute. The objective is to encourage the voluntary adoption of integrity and corruption prevention measures in the business sector. The evaluation of integrity programs in Pro-ethics follows the purpose that guides the entire project, namely, to recognize and promote the adoption of good integrity practices, raising awareness among companies about their relevant role in the fight against corruption.
The list of awarded companies of this edition was released on Tuesday (7), during the 2nd International Conference on Integrity Promotion, held in Brasilia. The selection began in October 2020 and brought together 236 companies, of various sizes and branches, all signatories of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption. They were evaluated by a committee formed by representatives of the CGU, the Ethos Institute and nine other invited institutions, such as Febraban, Sebrae, Apex Brazil, Ibracon, CNI, among others. As in previous years, the analyses were based on questionnaires answered by the participating companies and took into account the effectiveness, innovation and consistency of the integrity measures performed.
MRV was the first builder and developer to receive the highest recognition of integrity and ethics in the corporate environment, due to having an effective integrity program and the voluntary commitments it has made with various entities - which are based on conduct guided by integrity, transparency, fairness, accountability and corporate responsibility.
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MRV reinforces through campaign its commitment not to allow any act of harassment, moral or sexual, in the environment and in work relationships.
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Together with companies in the field of Engineering and Construction, MRV adhered to the commitment to consolidate an ethical environment, integrity and permanent fight against corruption.
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